For an Emergency:

For Everyday:

General Reference:


Therapy skills taken from the texts embedded below

Full Texts these Skills are Taken From:







Therapy Modality:

Multiple Modalities

Complete Outline of this Page:

  1. For an Emergency
    1. Distress Tolerance
      1. TIPP (extreme distress)
      2. STOP (impulse control)
      3. Pros & Cons (impulse control)
      4. ACCEPTS (distraction)
      5. Self-Soothe with 5 senses (distraction)
      6. IMPROVE the moment (distraction)
      7. Turning your mind (acceptance)
      8. Willingness (acceptance)
      9. Half-Smiling and Willing Hands (acceptance)
    2. Radical Acceptance
  2. For Everyday
    1. Self-Monitoring
      1. ABC's (tracking behavior)
      2. Dysfunctional Thought Record
      3. Self-Management Guide
      4. DBT Diary Card
      5. Self-Enquiry
      6. Novel Behavior Monitoring
        1. VARIEs
        2. Something Slightly New Every Day
      7. Vitality vs. Suffering Diary
      8. Join the DOTS
      9. Getting Hooked
        1. Verbal Aikido
      10. Struggling vs. Opening Up Diary
      11. Exposure and Response Prevention Monitoring
    2. Radical Openness
      1. DEFinitely
      2. Pros and Cons
    3. Acceptance Techniques
    4. Emotional Regulation
      1. Check the Facts
      2. DBT Opposite Action
        1. Examples of opposite actions
      3. Accumulating Positive Emotions
        1. short-term
          1. ideas
        2. long-term
      4. Building Mastery
      5. Cope Ahead
      6. PLEASE (reducing vulnerabilities)
      7. Mindfulness of Current Emotions
      8. VITALS (executive function)
      9. ABC (general life strategies)
      10. RO-DBT Opposite Action
        1. Acting opposite to Fatalistic Mind
        2. DARES (unhelpful envy)
        3. LIGHT (bitterness)
      11. Forgiveness
        1. Forgiveness self-enquiry questions
        2. Forgiveness script
        3. HEART
        4. Grief Work
          1. Forgiveness script
      12. Defusion (separating from (unwanted) thoughts)
        1. Defusion techniques
    5. Mindfulness
      1. Wise Mind
        1. "What" Skills
        2. "How" Skills
      2. Flexible Mind
        1. DEFinitely (openness)
        2. Being Kind to Fixed Mind
        3. Learning from Fatalistic Mind
        4. Acting Opposite to Fatalistic Mind
        5. "What" Skills
        6. "How" Skills
      3. ACT Strategies
    6. Relaxation
    7. Problem Solving
    8. Behavioral Activation
    9. Interpersonal Effectiveness
    10. Behavioral Analysis
    11. Functional Analysis
    12. Engaging in Novel Behavior
    13. Exposure Therapy
  3. General Reference